swift creek worship team

9 am Contemporary Service
The Worship Team practices are on Wednesday nights at 7:30 pm in the worship room.
swift creek Choir
11 am Traditional Service
The Adult Choir, directed by Nancy Crenshaw, practices on Thursday nights at 7:30 pm in the choir loft in the worship room. We practice September through June and sing most Sundays. You do not need to read music to be in the choir. All singers (high school age and up) are welcome to join us!
The Adult Choir, directed by Nancy Crenshaw, practices on Thursday nights at 7:30 pm in the choir loft in the worship room. We practice September through June and sing most Sundays. You do not need to read music to be in the choir. All singers (high school age and up) are welcome to join us!

swift creek handbells

11 am Traditional Service
The Handbells, directed by Nancy Crenshaw, practice downstairs in the music room on Thursday nights from 6:30 pm until 7:30 pm. The bells utilize a 3 octave set of Malmark Handbells and a 3 octave set of Suzuki Chimes. A full choir (11 players) play from September through May. A smaller summer group plays June through August. The summer group gives new players a chance to learn bell techniques along side of more experienced players.
The Handbells, directed by Nancy Crenshaw, practice downstairs in the music room on Thursday nights from 6:30 pm until 7:30 pm. The bells utilize a 3 octave set of Malmark Handbells and a 3 octave set of Suzuki Chimes. A full choir (11 players) play from September through May. A smaller summer group plays June through August. The summer group gives new players a chance to learn bell techniques along side of more experienced players.